Monday, March 25, 2013

The Bureaucratic States of America (Part I)

Most think my definition of bureaucracy is very broad and they may be right – but without question bureaucracy is what is killing this nation. I think everyone has or will act like a bureaucrat during their lives; it is a matter of to what degree. If you are a bureaucrat over 50% of the time then you are nothing more than a carbon emitting oxygen thieve.

If you are reactive and not proactive then you may be a bureaucrat – no strategic thinking

If you act differently once garnering a position of power then you may be a bureaucrat

If you are a lawyer than you may be a bureaucrat

If you create rules, mandates, legislation, laws, and regulations that are not applied equally amongst individuals, organizations, corporations, and the government than you are bureaucrat

If you create rules, mandates, legislation, laws, and regulations over areas that are not an expert then you are bureaucrat

If you create rules, mandates, legislation, laws, and regulations that complicate the issue then you are bureaucrat

If you are unable to compromise and think you are right 100% of the time then you are a bureaucrat

If you are middle management or work in areas such as quality control, auditing, and project management then you are a bureaucrat

If you add to the problem by creating barriers and are not part of the solution then you are a bureaucrat

If the product of your work is merely creating and overlooking documentation then you may be a bureaucrat

If you are politician then you are more than likely a bureaucrat

If you think you are entitled to something you have not earned then you think like a bureaucrat

If you make decisions that are best for you and not for the ALL then you are a bureaucrat

If you think it is your job to advocate for others then you are a bureaucrat

If you use abuse your position to spew your political beliefs then you are a bureaucrat

If you are the middle man in any process then you are a bureaucrat

If you live by thoughts and beliefs instead of data, science, and facts then you may be a bureaucrat

If you are not making a tangible product then you may be a bureaucrat

If you are responsible for spreading wealth from one place to another then you may be a bureaucrat

If you think gender, race, or religion is the answer to a political or business question then you may be a bureaucrat

If you discriminate against anyone for any reason then you are a bureaucrat

If you are doctor then you may be a bureaucrat

If you are not working to become a better person each day then you are a bureaucrat

If you cannot answer your own phone or make your own coffee then you are a bureaucrat

If you are narcissist then you are a bureaucrat

If you lack organization then you are a bureaucrat

If you think your time is more valuable than others then you are a bureaucrat

If you think you know the best way to spend other peoples’ wealth then you are a bureaucrat

If you live beyond your means then you are a bureaucrat

If you believe material objects are more important than life then you are a bureaucrat

If you lie, cheat, waste, or commit fraud then you a bureaucrat

If you are hypocritical then you are a bureaucrat

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